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Suche: 2 Ergebnisse

  • 10.03.2023 Broschüre Pregnancy Counselling §218

    Information on the Act on Assistance to Avoid and Cope with Conflicts in Pregnancy and Statutory Regulations Pertaining to Section 218 of the German Criminal Code

    Information on the Act on Assistance to Avoid and Cope with Conflict in Pregnancy and Statutory Regulations Pertaining to Section 218 of the German Criminal Code. Date: December 2022

  • 20.04.2017 Postkarte I am pregnant! Help and assistance for mother and child

    Supplement for the pregnancy record booklet

    The information card gives pregnant women a brief overview on the support services provided by pregnancy counselling centres, the support hotline 'Pregnant Women in Distress' as well as financial aid by the Federal Foundation Mother and Child. A link refers to search engines for counselling centres. The information card can be ordered in German and English and perfectly fits into the pregnancy record booklet.